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Published: June 6, 2023

Every new mom knows that pregnancy and childbirth take a major toll on the body—and the skin is no exception. Hormonal changes are the main culprit for postpartum skin changes. You may notice that you had more or less acne during pregnancy, then as soon as you’ve adjusted to that change, you have the baby, and your hormones and skin change yet again. Post-pregnancy skin can come with a variety of different changes, from dryness to dark circles to increased breakouts and everything in between.

It is so important for moms to take steps to take care of themselves following pregnancy. Finding a nourishing postpartum skincare routine is essential. Below, we’re sharing all the steps you need to take to start a nourishing postpartum skincare routine so that you can feel like you have your pregnancy glow back.

"The key is to protect and to nourish. Diet and intake of water play an important role. Integrate with fresh juices , fruits and dried fruits (nuts, almonds..)"

Monica Poli, [ comfort zone ] Skin Science and Technology Manager

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Focus on Hydration

One of the most common postpartum skin changes is dryness. Between the way hormones change after birthing a baby and the demands of mothering a newborn, it is incredibly common for new moms to notice that their skin is much drier than usual. Postpartum skin changes will look different for everyone though; some moms may notice that their skin is more oily while others may find that they have more sensitive skin than usual.

Changes in certain hormone levels like estrogen can dry out the skin and it can be very difficult to remember to moisturize the skin and drink enough water when you’re caring for a baby all day. Dry skin can cause premature signs of aging, like wrinkles and fine lines so it is important to take steps to care for your skin during this delicate time.

Breastfeeding and your body’s physical healing can dehydrate you so you need to make sure to drink extra water following childbirth. In addition to hydrating your internal organs, drinking water can help to keep your skin hydrated. You should also hydrate your skin from the outside by taking advantage of the following steps:


You do not want to skip moisturizing your body and face during the postpartum phase. It will not only improve your skin quality but it will help you feel your best during this transitional and challenging stage of life. The Body Strategist line by Comfort Zone offers a variety of different products for skin moisture and revitalization.

Use a Humidifier

Using a humidifier can help keep the air moist and prevent your skin from drying out. Humidifiers add extra moisture to the air which can help to improve dry, itchy skin and they also offer additional benefits such as clearing out your sinuses to improve sleep quality.

Take Lukewarm Showers

If you’re taking super hot showers, this may be causing skin dryness. Showering or bathing with hot water can dry out the skin and even damage your hair. Try showering with lukewarm water instead to help retain skin moisture. A lukewarm shower even just a few times a week can help to improve skin quality.

Avoid Harsh Soaps

Take note of what types of products you’re using because anything harsh could be interfering with your skin’s moisture. Harsh soaps can strip away moisture and cause irritation. Typically, soaps that contain sulfates, silicones, parabens, fragrances, and dyes are some of the most drying, so you should avoid products that contain these ingredients when possible.

Use a Facial Mist

Using a facial mist throughout the day is a great way to boost your skin’s hydration since it is convenient and effective. The right face mist can provide your skin with a boost of hydration and antioxidants. Plus, they’re super easy to use. Just keep one in the bathroom or at your bedside table and mist your skin throughout the day. 

woman with glowing skin on a black background

Gentle Cleansing

Hormonal changes can cause skin dryness but they can also cause increased oil production and breakouts. For this reason, you should keep your skin clean in the postpartum phase while also trying not to over-cleanse. The key here is gentle cleansing. Gentle cleansing helps to remove dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. To practice gentle cleansing on oily skin, follow these steps:

  • Use a gentle cleanser. This one may go without saying but you want to make sure you’re using a gentle cleanser. Look for a cleanser that is free from harsh chemicals like sulfates, dyes, fragrances, and silicone. Also, pay attention to how your skin reacts to each unique cleanser you’ve used to find the one that works best for you.
  • Wash with lukewarm water. While there seems to be some debate surrounding the optimal temperature to use when washing the skin, we recommend using lukewarm water during the postpartum phase. This is because the skin is more sensitive during this time. If the water is too hot it can dry out the skin.
  • Rinse thoroughly. Use plenty of water to thoroughly rinse the skin and ensure that no cleanser is left sitting on the skin.
  • Pat dry. Use a clean towel to gently pat your skin dry. Avoid rubbing it too intensely with a towel since this can irritate the skin.
  • Don’t overdo it. The best postpartum skincare routine is one that is simple and minimal. You don’t want to overdo it with too many products or over-washing your skin. Keep it simple and try to give your skin only what it needs.
  • Exfoliate occasionally. Although you want to make sure to exfoliate, it is possible to over-exfoliate. Only exfoliate two or three times a week. Using a chemical exfoliant can sometimes work better than a scrub, depending on your skin type.

Nourish Your Skin with Nutrients

Healthy skin starts from within. In addition to putting the right products on your skin, you also want to make sure that you’re eating all of the right nutrients to replenish your body and help prevent skin issues. Getting pregnant and giving birth takes a major toll on the body and can cause nutrient stores to become depleted. By eating nutritious foods like berries, fatty fish, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, and sweet potatoes you can help your body recover and boost skin health in the process.


Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries contain a variety of essential nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin C which help to keep the skin smooth and healthy. Vitamin C has antioxidants that can help to protect the skin from harmful substances and encourage a natural glow. 

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon, herring, and mackerel are beneficial for the skin since they are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids nourish the body and help to keep the skin moisturized and strong. 

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are rich in vitamin A which can help to clear up breakouts and slow down oil production. Green leafy vegetables like collard greens and spinach can help the body flush out toxins and strengthen the skin.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds like walnuts, almonds, and cashews contain vitamin E, selenium, and zinc. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to prevent skin damage from free radicals and even reduce inflammation.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a nutrient-rich, starchy vegetable that can provide the body with levels of vitamin A, helping to support skin health. Vitamin A can help to protect the skin from the sun and prevent dryness and wrinkles. They also contain vitamin C which helps with collagen production and preventing skin damage from free radicals.


Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C which boosts antioxidants and supports the immune system. Nutrients found in tomatoes may also help to improve skin elasticity and make the skin firmer.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Over-exposure to the sun is one of the worst things for your skin since it can cause wrinkles and dark spots, make stretch marks more noticeable, and interfere with your skin’s health. It is important to look for a sunscreen that is natural and non-toxic. The best ways to protect your skin from the sun include: wearing SPF sunscreen, seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, using sunglasses, and avoiding tanning beds.

Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen is an essential part of any skincare routine. Find a safe and natural sun lotion to apply to your face daily to help protect against wrinkles, age spots, and skin cancer. Make sure to apply sunscreen to your body, when you plan to spend longer periods of time in the sun.

Seek Shade

Finding shady areas to rest from sun exposure can help to protect your skin from the sun. If you plan to spend the day out in the sun, make sure to stand in a shady area whenever you can.

Wear Protective Clothing

Protective clothing like hats can help to shade your face from the sun. If you’re going out in the sun multiple days in a row, make sure to use protective clothing to help keep your skin healthy. 

Use Sunglasses

Sunglasses help to protect the sensitive skin around your eyes from the sun. They also help to prevent squinting which can lead to wrinkles.

Avoid Tanning Beds

If you want to have healthy skin then you should try your best to avoid tanning beds. Tanning beds cause skin damage from intense UV rays.

After you do spend time in the sun, use a nourishing moisturizer that contains aloe to help support and replenish the skin.

Be Kind to Yourself

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep when you have a new baby can be challenging. Do your best to rest when you can and ask for help when you need it. 

Eat a Healthy Diet

Nourish your body with a healthy diet that consists of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to eat organic foods to minimize your body’s exposure to toxins and harsh chemicals. 

Stay Hydrated

Nourish your body with a healthy diet that consists of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to eat organic foods to minimize your body’s exposure to toxins and harsh chemicals. 

Take Breaks

Take breaks whenever you can. Obviously, you will be busy caring for a newborn but try to make the most of nap times by using them as an opportunity to rest. You can also lean on support systems like friends and family to come to relieve you for short periods of time to give you time to rest and relax.

Practice Self-Compassion

It’s most important to just be patient with yourself. Speak kindly to yourself and remember that you’re doing a very hard job. You’ll never be able to do everything by yourself so set expectations low and lean on your support systems as much as you can.

Prioritize Self-Care and Skin Care

Taking good care of your skin in the postpartum phase can help you feel and look your best. The time following the birth of a baby is filled with all types of new challenges. Your skin may feel different by you can take steps to care for your skin and yourself by using the best skincare products and prioritizing self-care.

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